Saturday, May 10, 2008

Youth Baseball - Sneakers Versus Cleats

Do you have children playing in youth baseball leagues? Do they wear sneakers or cleats? As a youth baseball coach parents ask me which is better. My response always is what type of field are they playing on?

A good youth baseball tip is if the youth league plays on a grass/dirt field, plastic cleats are preferred. The cleats provide better traction in the dirt and grass and especially on a muddy field.

If the youth baseball league has a field turf or artificial turf field, I strongly recommend sneakers over cleats, especially for pitchers. The reason why is that cleats cannot "dig in" to the turf for traction. Think of it as trying to run on the living room rug wearing spikes.

My local youth baseball league plays on both fields. I see more and more kids wearing the cleats on both types of fields. So, I guess another factor in the equation is what your child is comfortable wearing.

What do you think?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Youth Baseball Tips: Get Out And Exericse

Here comes summer! I guess it's time for the kids to exercise their fingers (playing video games) while sitting in their air conditioned room.

Summer days are so different from the days of yore. Do you remember spending summer days playing baseball from sun up till sun down, going home to eat lunch and supper.

Things sure have changed, and I guess, we parents need to change some too. We need to stay vigilant in protecting our children (especially the pre-teens) but it doesn't mean the whole family can't get a little exercise and family time too by playing baseball with our kids.

Once a week, in the early evening, go in the backyard or to the park. Bring a ball and throw it around with the kids. You don't have to use a hard baseball. How about a wiffle ball, tennis ball or even the old Pensie Pinkie or Spaldeen rubber balls.

Get out there with the kids, the memories of these nights will endure and be revisited over and over again with the smell of the sweet summer night air.

Find more great Youth Baseball Tips by visiting

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Making Youth Baseball Fielding Practice Fun

Do you have problems trying to keep kids interested in fielding practice? Maybe your making it too much like work and not like fun. There are some really good drills that will make the kids look forward to the next practice.